The trap of extreme austerity

Global InterGold


Average reading time — 2 minutes


In the modern world, cost-saving has become a lifestyle. People follow sales promotions and discounts in the hope of purchasing a product 5-10% cheaper. “Black Friday” has become one of the most anticipated events of the year. At first glance, there is nothing wrong with wanting to buy something on more favorable conditions. However, there is a risk of falling into the trap of extreme austerity.


Discount trap

Let’s consider a hypothetical situation. A certain product is being sold with a 50% discount. It used to cost $100, but now it’s only $50. Instead of the standard price, you pay only half the price. Being heartened by the sense of triumph, you buy an item and leave the store feeling victorious.

Now let’s consider another scenario. You come to the store to buy a specific product, but there is no discount for it. The price seems unreasonably high, you feel down because you overpaid. If you didn’t save money, then you lost it. The habit of looking for advantageous deals takes the form of a game, and failures in this game are accompanied by emotional distress.


Pursuit of profit

Surely you have acquaintances who buy unnecessary things just because they are sold at a discount. Or maybe this behavior is also typical of you. Two for the price of one — that’s advantageous, isn’t it?

One mustn’t go to extremes — one needs to save wisely. Every purchase, especially a big one, should be balanced and bring a sense of satisfaction, not disappointment. When it comes to shopping, quality is more important than quantity.



Income and expenses

Some people have a motto they live by: “A penny saved is a penny earned.” Yet the truth is, when you buy things you don’t need at a discount, you are in the red. This illustrates the trap of the extreme austerity. The one who regularly saves 10% of earnings and invests these funds wisely acts reasonably.

To properly economize and optimize savings, one needs a stable, time-tested asset. Gold will be the answer — a reliable way to preserve and accumulate the funds saved. Create a personal gold reserve and face the future with confidence and enthusiasm.  


Gold is a profitable and promising way to invest funds.

GIG-OS Time Shift will help you to dispose of the funds you have the right way. A special project allows buying gold on especially convenient, profitable and safe conditions. Purchase 100-gram bars in small parts, selecting the appropriate contribution amount in advance. After completing the deal, you will get a bonus — additional 5 or 10 grams of gold. A reasonable investment of funds will help you avoid burdening your personal budget while building confidence in the future.


Dispose of the funds you have wisely!




Published: 11.11.2021

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