What you need to know about your goal

Global InterGold


Any successful business begins with goal setting. Yet the goals may differ.

There are goals that have to be achieved through force; when a person struggles with the wish to give it up right away. And there are goals that fill you with inspiration and motivate to work enthusiastically, forgetting about difficulties.

Why there’s such a difference between these goals?


The choice was made for you

In the first case, it is about the goals that you are pursuing, being influenced by other people, social attitudes and prejudices. You convince yourself that you need it, although the subconscious mind protests against the choice that was imposed on you and made for you. Therefore, achieving the goal turns into a difficult test.

Imagine a young man whose parents are doctors. He was constantly pressured to study medicine and continue the dynasty of doctors. As a result, he gets into medical school, but studies without much enthusiasm, because all his life he dreamed of running a restaurant business.

Think about how many things people do in their life just to please others, simply because it is customary in the environment or dictated by trends.

Of course, any goal is better than no goal at all. But is it worth spending time and effort on something that you don’t particularly need?


The choice that you make

Goals that you yourself choose, taking into account personal desires and needs, have very different attributes. In other words, these are your cherished dreams shaped into specific goals.

Pursuing your dream is always easier than conforming to other people's attitudes. People who know exactly what they want achieve better results and overcome obstacles faster.


Putting your goal to the test

So, you have a goal, but you doubt it meets your needs. How to find out whether you are wasting time on something that is not worth the effort?

We suggest using GoalSet Master — a tool for working on goals. It will help you make accurate and reasonable conclusions.

If the chosen goal is a reflection of your sincere desires, you will answer all 18 GoalSet Master questions without problems and get valuable information for preparing an action plan.

But if your goal is shallow or imposed by social custom, don’t be surprised if you find it difficult to answer the questions. Then you will have a reason to set another goal, a more suitable one. Choose it from the GoalSet Master list or formulate your own and work on it again using the tool.


Be the master of your life and set only correct goals!


Publicado: 01.04.2020

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