How to save up for education in elite universities



Average reading time — 3 minutes


Quality education is the foundation on which a person confidently builds their future. Nowadays, the value of education is often belittled, some people argue that you don’t need a diploma to be successful — all you need is perseverance and enthusiasm. However, the statistics say otherwise.

A study by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York found that college-educated people earn, on average, $30,000 a year more than those who completed only a high school course.


Money matter

Every parent wants their children to establish themselves as a personality and succeed in life. Giving children a good education is one of the most important tasks of parents.

But there is a serious problem. The cost of studying at prestigious universities is very high, and not everyone can afford it.



Here’s what basic tuition fees for undergraduate programs look like in countries famous for their universities:

France — from $3,100 to $16,900 per year;

United Kingdom — from $13,000 to $46,700 per year;

USA — from $18,000 to $66,900 per year.

And the price of tuition even in the less prestigious universities becomes an insurmountable obstacle for many people.


There is a way to solve the problem

There is only one way — to create “smart” savings, reliably protected from depreciation.

Currency is not suitable for this — it is constantly attacked by inflation. As your children grow, currency reserves lose their purchasing power. Years later, it may turn out that the accumulated amount is clearly not enough to enter the desired university.

Any, even the most, at first glance, reliable currency is subject to inflationary threat. Here’s a vivid example: 20 years ago, for $20,000 you could buy as much as for $32,000 today. The difference of 12 thousand was “eaten” by inflation. But this amount can pay for 1-2 years of study at a reputable university.


Effective alternative to currency

The optimal solution for long-term savings is investment gold. The noble metal is not subject to inflation and tends to rise in price. Over 20 years, during which the dollar has depreciated by 60%, gold has risen in price by 540%.



Savings in gold:

  • will not depreciate;

  • will not fall victim to an economic crisis;

  • can increase considerably in the future as a result of growth in prices.


Stick to your plan persistently

Time flies, children are rapidly growing up, and if we want a decent future for them, we must not hesitate. The systematic accumulation of funds will allow you to count on an admission to a respected educational institution, whose graduates are highly valued in the labor market.

For this purpose, you should choose a reliable asset with stable financial positions. As history shows, the best candidate for this role is gold.


Make use of advantages of the noble metal.

Start building gold savings that will become a pass for your children to a world of great opportunities!




Publicado: 19.05.2022

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