Growth point in Lithuania: from now on — only onwards!



Clients of the GIG-OS online platform amaze with their vitality and striving for action. People in different parts of the world are united by a desire to communicate, accomplish strategic goals and achieve more, despite the distances and restrictions between countries.


On July 3, 2021, Leaders Anzhelika Tkacheva and Banga Reifoniene organized a conference for clients in Vilnius.


President of the company Dmitriy Aksyonov, in his online speech, organized specifically for this event, expressed confidence that the new business line can become a “growth point” for the entire holding and significantly increase its capitalization. The President noted the importance of the cohesion of all clients of the company:

“The secret of success is interaction, mutual assistance and common positive result!”


During the live feed, the structure Leader, Mikhail Ukvasov, noted that this was the first conference that everyone had been waiting for a year and a half:

“Not all borders are open yet, not everyone has the opportunity to come. But there was an opportunity to feel the unity of the audience and communicate with people who could shake hands. O brave new world... I congratulate the entire structure on this wonderful event!”


The event was held to a high standard, in compliance with all safety measures, which allowed all its participants to meet in person for the first time in a long time, get acquainted and exchange important news.

“Special thanks to the organizers: Banga Reifoniene, Stase Vasilionkiene, Petras Zykas and all the active clients of our structure. Well done, guys!!! Thank you!!! And in spite of everything, we did it!!! No matter what happens, we keep going onwards!!! The international conference has taken place!!! I congratulate everyone on this wonderful event!”

Anzhelika Tkacheva


We would like to thank the organizers for the outstanding holding of the meeting and for promoting the company’s values!

There are more and more of us with you!


Publicado: 06.07.2021

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